Chains and guards are a great way for garbage trucks to work properly. The chains are typically connected to a moving part to assist with the functionality. This helps the garbage truck with lifting containers during the waste collection process. Meanwhile, the guards are set in place to protect the chains from getting caught onto something. Guards ensure the chains don’t snag, which allows the garbage truck to continuously operate with ease. Chains and guards improve the waste collection process and keep things running smoothly. Wastebuilt® offers a wide assortment of chains and guards within our vast online inventory, providing you with numerous options to equip your fleet. This ensures that everybody can find the right part for the job right here at Wastebuilt®. All items are tested and vetted by Wastebuilt® to ensure they are high-quality parts fit for your garbage trucks. That way, you know you’re ordering the most reliable and consistent items available in the industry. Make sure to search for the garbage truck parts you need by shopping at Wastebuilt®!